CranioSacral Therapy

CranioSacral Therapy was pioneered and developed by Osteopathic Physician John E. Upledger. It utilizes soft touch techniques to assess and correct body restrictions through the membranous structures of the skull and spinal cord and their relationship to other structures of the body. The foundation of this work is based on the notion that the bonesContinue reading “CranioSacral Therapy”

Visceral Manipulation

Visceral Manipulation (VM) was developed by world-renowned French Osteopath and Physical Therapist Jean-Pierre Barral. Comparative studies found Visceral Manipulation beneficial for various disorders.  March 14, 2019 Visceral Manipulation focuses on the membranous connections between structures of the body, primarily of the organs. It also addresses the connections between joints of the spine, ribs andContinue reading “Visceral Manipulation”

Spine post trauma: stretch & moblize

After accidents and trauma as in a motor vehicle impact, the body may go into a state of shock.  Subconsciously, the nervous system may engage in a protective holding pattern. Consciously we may understand the danger is over but subconsciously the body may remain in state of guarding. To convince our subconscious selves to relaxContinue reading “Spine post trauma: stretch & moblize”

The general intent of massage

Most individuals seek massage therapy for bodily pain and discomfort that often arise from the wear and tear of active daily living. The severity of such may vary and be physical, mental or emotional. Such conditions often don’t have specific causes but they may be associated with traumatic accidents such as motor vehicle impacts orContinue reading “The general intent of massage”